Makaroni panggang. (Macaroni Schotel)
Makaroni Panggang, I am always make this food with all ingredient and material that I have in my kitchen. I always stock macaroni, milk, cheese, but for filler I am usually use anything. Everybody have his own recipe to make it. Take it easy.
Makaroni Panggang, I am always make this food with all ingredient and material that I have in my kitchen. I always stock macaroni, milk, cheese, but for filler I am usually use anything. Everybody have his own recipe to make it. Take it easy.
There is special macaroni restaurant in Bogor-Indonesia. Location : Jl. Salak No 24. You can entry from Edward factory and EF in front of Pangrango Hotel. They are open from 7 am – 10 pm. Find out ..Ok!
Actually the Restaurant is house. So, no body excpected there is a restaurant inside the housing complex. You know, this restaurant is very welknow. Many time the television make a kuliner scenes.
They sell in some size option, Small, Medium and large. For special order they put musrom and smoked beef for topping. Price is beginning from 14000 IDR up to 89000 IDR. For special order they make labeling price between 23000 IDR – 89000 IDR.
In the kuliner Tourism I give you suggestion this MP restaurant. Those are real delicious macaroni. But you don’t feed to much. You will feel uncomfort. You can eat on there or you can do a take order for a gift to your loving people at home.
How do you think ? Interested. I am always miss and dream in to come back again and again.