Rabu, 16 Agustus 2017

Resturan Vegetarian di Jakarta ( Living Pao )

Selasa , 15 agustus 2017 saat saya ada meeting dengan kevin aprilio untuk project Film Love reborn, sayamampir kesebuahbresturan unik. Letaknya persis di samping kantor Aprilio Kingdom, milik Kevin.

nama resturannya Living Pao yang terletak di Plaza Karinda Lebak Bulus adalah restoran yang berkonsep vegetarian.

 Restoran ini menyediakan makanan sehat secara ekspres.  Dalam memasak, Living Pao hanya menggunakan bahan-bahan kualitas terbaik, tidak menggunakan MSG, tidak menggunakan pengawet. hal ini tentunya sangat sehat sekali. jangan tanyakan menu Daging, ayam atau ikan di rsturan ini karena tentunya tidak ada. Karena semua bahan hanya dari sayuran, jamur, kacang kacangan dan buah. tapi kalau masalah rasa, saya jamin enak banget. Tentunya ini sangat membantu sekali buat kalian yang kurang suka konsumsi sayuran.

Berbagai variasi menu sehat yang bisa Anda pilih, terbagi menjadi beberapa bagian dari lauk yang sehat mulai dari appetizer, soups, main course, steam sweet delight pao, steam or grilled savory delight pao, burgers, pasta and salads.

keseruan kami mereview resturan ini bisa kalian lihat di video ini, nonton ya. 


kalau lagi main ke Grand Indonesia, saya menyarankan untuk mencoba Kuliner Mitarik Laeker. kebetulan saya orang sayang suka dengan Mie. 

Biasanya setiap jam makan siang Mitarik laiker yang terletak di Area: Food & Beverages Floor: 3, food louver selalu antri. Selain harganya yang sangat terjangkau pilihan mie juga banyak. Kalau saya seh suka yang original.

Setelah pesan seh kita biasnaya kasih sambel khusus yang membuat rasa makin sip. Nah ini review video kami saat makan mitarik ini.

Silahkan nonton ya .

Senin, 24 Juli 2017

MITARIK Laiker - Central Park jakarta

kalau lagi main di mall Central Park jakarta, pasti menuju resto favorite. ya MiTarik Laiker di lantai LG di Central Park Jakarta.

Mitarik Laiker - Central Park. 

memang harga mie satu porsi agak lumayan mahal, tapi kalau rasa di jamin boleh di adu. kalau saya. favorite disini seh suka makan Mie Tongyam dan mie goreng special . rasa tongyam ini cocok banget buat kalian yang suka berkuah, rasanya memang agak tajam tapi bikin ketagihan.

Mitarik Tongyam harga 40.000 / porsi. 

kalau gak suka berkuah , mending pesan Mitarik goreng. rasanya sama nikmatnya, apalagi ada udang gorengnya di mie , dijamin ketagihan. Oh ya cukup pesan 1 porsi aja ya buat satu orang karena isi porsinya besar. Kalau yang makannya sedikit mending pesan satu porsi untuk berdua, kecuali lagi lapar banget seh di jamin habis. 

mitarik goresng special - Harga Rp. 44.000 

MItarik disini diproses secara sendiri, kota juga bisa lihat proses mereka buat. kalau ke central park sesekali coba ya Mitariknya. 

Sabtu, 09 Mei 2009

EOT restaurant

Visiting Tasikmalaya, you will not difficult to find food. While I am going there, I can find a little restaurant. It is EOT restaurant, that a strange name for us. The location is not so far from hotel indah. At the first sight I am not sure with this small restaurant, there is nothing special, I feel hungry and it was time for breakfast.

While I am entering the restaurant, there are many foods and complete menus for make a choose. The restaurant offering Sundanese menu. It is looking much tasted. The menu displayed on the tables. You can see it is a traditional sundanesse way. You can select and choose everything you like to stuff. But you must remember there is a cost in your selected food item.

I tray to eat meal, gurame fried and vegetables soup. Hmmm...Fantastic. I feel this menu is very delicious. It is make me full. I paid 16000 IDR. The price is fair enough not very expensive. After I am observasing, I am finding the restaurant is enough well known places. It is a favorite place to eat. There are many visitors in that morning to take breakfasts. Many cars stopping in front the restaurant. If you visit tasikmalaya, let you try eating at EOT restaurant.

The warung Ampera

As per my posting in travelling. I am staying one night at Kalianda, Lampung. It is a little bit difficult to find a representative restaurant. But you don’t worry, there are some small food counter “warteg”. I found one not so far from hotel beringin at Kusumanagara Street, warung Ampera. They are offering “nasi rames” food special from Pacitan. The price is not expensive only about 9000 IDR. One prose will enough make you full and complete.

The warung Ampera is a simple place, but I can see they have many visitors to buy their food. So while you visit kalianda don’t forget to eat in this warung. Just you try a delicious food in here. (Written by Aji and Joe).

Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

Restaurants at Bakauheny.

Bakauheni, I can not forget to find a delicious food while travelling. It is my favorite activities in travelling…he he he. It is make me can enjoyed the food and I can write a story to tell everyone about the delicious food that I recommended.

While I am stop at Bakauheni harbor, I am attracted by a crowd restaurant. It is a Padang Restaurant, maybe it is not reflected as a special restaurant of Bakauheni. I am recommend to you about this place. It is a traditional way of restaurant Padang, while visitor coming the table will fulfill whit many food in many dices, completed with rice also. You can not eat all the food, but you don’t try for just a taste way. Because they will get you and add in the billing. If you tray, you will pay expensive price. If you want saving money, let’s you eat rice and your selected food only. In this way you may only pay about 15000 IDR.

If you don’t like Padang Restaurant, you can stuff others. There are many reastaurant or food counter in Bakauheni Harbor. Ok welcome in cullinery tourism. (Written by Aji and Joe).

Minggu, 19 April 2009

Serang culinery

If you want to try culinary in Serang. You can find many sea food restaurants along the street in Serang. It is normal, suppose Serang is a front sea city. So the menu always offers much sea food. Beginning sun set time you can find many tent-café stands in a line along the street. They sell many items of food, drink, snack, etc. There are complete foods. You choose and make your decision…and all is a delicious.

I am offering you a sea food tent-café beside Mandiri Bank at Old Market Street. I have eaten on there before. They have a delicious menu. In this tent you can order sea food. It is better for you asking the price first. Because no price list in their menu. I am eating “Ikan Kakap Asem Manis”; I pay 50.000 IDR for a big fish. It was big enough stuffing me. Fortunately I and my friend joint to eating the fish. They are sell fish about a half until 2 kilogram. I you are alone to eat, please order a smaller fish. But while you are in a group, try to find a big one. So the price will more cheap.